Monday, November 10, 2008

Halloween with the Cousins

One Halloween tradition we celebrate is getting together for some yummy food and games with our cousins. Of course it is mandatory that everyone dress up (even the grown-ups). All came together and showed off their unbelieveably awesome costumes. I swear they get better and better every year! Even we put in a little more thought this year as to what we would be for Halloween. It was especially a lot of fun putting Kyle's costume together. After all the dressing up, he now wishes to be addressed as K-Bev. What goes better together than a Gangster with an Aerobicizing wife?


Cricket said...

Yo..Yo...K-Bev...looking good!!!!!
And that is a pretty hot mama you are hanging with.

Peace Out!

Leah said...

That is SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET! I love the costumes...Jane Fonda and her husband K-Bev. The kids look pretty good too. But the parents take the cake.